Tech Tips

Unified Communications can save money and improve customer satisfaction

Unified CommunicationsWe discussed in our last blog how unified communications could host greater collaboration and workplace functionality. It offers operational improvements and cost savings opportunities and opens up new pathways to create greater customer satisfaction.


  • Move many IT expenses out of the expense budget. Unified communications can migrate many of your channels to the cloud. Thus eliminating many IT hardware expenses and moving them into a more predictable, monthly fee.
  • Cuts down on internal IT support – Because much of Unified communications rely on the cloud and the SaaS (Software- as-a-service) model to integrate contacts, you have less hardware and software on the ground that all require support, upgrades, backups, and maintenance.
  • Create a more centralized point of responsibility – When you have multiple communication channels operating independently, you rely on many individual vendors, none of whom may work effectively together. With a unified communications model, you move toward a single point of responsibility for your operational integrity.

In summary, understand that unified communications are an outgrowth of the explosion of workplace communications channels. With multiple communication channels, our ability to communicate becomes fractured and increasingly awkward. But it isn’t just for the users of the many communication channels that suffer. Non-integrated communication channels create an unwieldy IT infrastructure. It may also cause some duplication of support costs, as well as fractured oversight and responsibility. It also creates situations that can foster customer frustration and discontent.

Contact us to learn more about our managed service provider solutions.

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