Tech Tips

Is Your Business Ready for Permanent Remote Workers?

Remote Workers Remote workers have come of age in the last two years.

Many people have loved it, while others realized they preferred an office environment. Some people have never had it better in terms of work/life balance. And now that things are slowly recovering, they’re not going to give it up without a fight.

As an employer, giving the option to make remote or hybrid work permanent seems like an ideal solution. You’ve already seen that you can trust your people to do a great job wherever they work. You may even have seen an increase in motivation and productivity.

Your business could even cut down on some of its fixed costs – office space is the big saving.

Of course, there’s more to consider than how much you trust your team to continue doing a great job. So, if your staff still wants to work from home permanently, here’s how you can make it happen:

If you’ve only had temporary work-from-home measures in place for the last two years, it’s time to make them official.

Make sure that everyone’s home working setups are suitable.

  • Look at data security.

How do your people access your network? Do they have the right security measures installed on their devices? Are their home networks protected from unauthorized access? Can you stop their children from using company devices?

  • Look at the collaboration tools you’re using.

If your team is unlikely to be in the same place at the same time, should you invest in a better solution to make sure communication doesn’t suffer?

Upgrading their equipment and devices might be the answer. For example, professional-quality webcams and microphones can help ensure high video and audio quality.

Don’t forget that older laptops or desktops will need upgrades every few years to ensure they’re performing well and costing you less to maintain.

Contact us today if you’d like any help making sure your home working setups are right for permanent remote workers.

Published with permission from Your Tech Updates.

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